Publications (Full CV)
Bates T, Jakubowski R, Taylor JA. (2021) Evaluation of the Concord Crop Load Response for Current Commercial Production in New York. Am J Enol Vitic 72:1–11.
Bates T, Jakubowski R, Taft T, Sprague D, Joy A, Martin M, Ebert S. (2020) Variable-rate Mechanical Shoot Thinning in Concord Demonstrates the Practical Application of Precision Viticulture. Appellation Cornell.
Guillaume, S., Bates, T., Lablee, J., Betts, T., Taylor J. 2020. Combining spatial data layers using fuzzy inference systems: Application to an agronomic case study. In 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2020). pp. 62–71. Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Taylor J, Dresser J, Hickey C, Nuske S, Bates T. (2019) Considerations on spatial crop load mapping. Aust J Grape Wine Res. doi:10.1111/ajgw.12378.
Bates, T., J. Dresser, R. Eckstrom, G. Badr, T. Betts and J. Taylor, "Variable-rate mechanical crop adjustment for crop load balance in ‘Concord’ vineyards," (2018) IEEE IoT Vertical and Topical Summit on Agriculture - Tuscany (IOT Tuscany), Tuscany, 2018, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/IOT-TUSCANY.2018.8373046.
Badr G, Hoffman JS, Bates TR. (2018) Effect of Cane Length on Concord and Niagara Grapevines. Am J Enol Vitic 4:ajev.2018.18019.
Badr G, Bates TR. (2018) Modelling “Concord” Berry Weight Dynamics. In 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. pp. 1–15. International Society of Precision Agriculture, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;
Taylor JA, Link K, Taft T, Jakubowski R, Joy P, Martin M, Hoffman JS, Jankowski J, Bates TR. (2017) A Protocol to Map Vine Size in Commercial Single High-Wire Trellis Vineyards Using “Off-the-Shelf” Proximal Canopy Sensing Systems. Catal Discov into Pract 2:35–47.
Bates TR. (2017) Mechanical crop control in New York “Concord” vineyards target desirable crop load levels. In Acta Horticulturae. pp. 259–264. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium;
Brillante L, Martínez-Luscher J, Yu R, Plank CM, Sanchez L, Bates T, Brenneman C, Oberholster A, Kurtural SK. (2017) Assessing Spatial Variability of Grape Skin Flavonoids at the Vineyard Scale Based on Plant Water Status Mapping. J Agric Food Chem 65:5255–5265.
Taylor JA, Sanchez L, Sams B, Haggerty L, Jakubowski R, Djafour S, Bates TR. (2016) Evaluation of a commercial grape yield monitor for use mid-season and at-harvest. J Int DES Sci LA VIGNE DU VIN 50:57–63.
Taylor, J.A. and Bates, T.R. (2013) Temporal and Spatial Relationships in Pruning Mass of Concord Vines. Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. 19(3) p401-408
Taylor, J.A. and Bates, T.R. (2013) A discussion on the significance associated with Pearson’s correlation analysis in Precision Agriculture studies. Precision Agriculture. 14(5), p558-564.
Taylor, J.A., Nuske, S., Singh, S. Hoffman, J.S. and Bates, T.R. (2013) Temporal evolution of within-season vineyard canopy response from a proximal sensing system. Precision Agriculture ’13. Proceedings of the 9th ECPA, Lleida, Spain, July 7-11, 2013. J.V. Stafford (ed.). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Taylor, J.A. and Bates, T. (2012) A research note on sampling and estimating average pruning weights in Concord grapes. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 63(4), p559-563.
Grocholsky, B.; Nuske, S; Aasted, M; Achar, S; Bates, T. (2011). A camera and laser system for automatic vine balance assessment. ASABE Paper No. 1111651, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). St. Joseph, Mich. ASABE.
Nuske, S.; Achar, S.; Bates, T.; Narasimhan, S.; Singh, S. (2011). Yield estimation in vineyards by visual grape detection. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011). San Francisco, CA.
Bates, T. and J. Morris. (2009) Mechanical cane pruning and crop adjustment decreases labor costs and maintains fruit quality in New York ‘Concord’ grape production. HortTechnology. 19 (2), 247-253.
Bates, T. & Wolf T. (2008) Vineyard Nutrient Management. Book Chapter In: Wine Grape Production Guide for Eastern North America. T. Wolf (Ed.). Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service. Ithaca, New York.
Bates, T. (2008) Pruning level affects growth and yield of New York Concord on two training systems. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 59: 276-286.
Cheng, L, G. Guohai, & T. Bates (2004) Growth and fruiting of young ‘Concord’ grapevines in relation to reserve nitrogen and carbohydrates. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 129(5), 660-666.
Bates, T, Dunst R, Taft T & Vercant M (2002) The Vegetative Response of 'Concord' Grapevines to soil pH. HortScience 37 (6), 890-893.
Bates, T, Dunst R & Joy P (2002) Seasonal Dry Matter, Starch, and Nutrient Distribution in 'Concord' Grapevine Roots. HortScience 37 (2), 313-316.
Bates, T, English-Loeb G, Dunst R, Taft T & Lakso A (2001) The interaction of phylloxera infection, rootstock and irrigation on young Concord grapevine growth. Vitis 40, 225-228.
Bates, T. & Lynch J (2001) Root hairs confer a competitive advantage under low phosphorus availability. Plant and Soil 236, 243-250.
Bates, T. & Lynch J (2000) The efficiency of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs in phosphorus acquisition. American Journal of Botany 87, 964-970.
Bates, T. & Lynch J (2000) Plant growth and phosphorus accumulation of wildtype and two root hair mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. American Journal of Botany 87, 958-963.
Bates, T. & Lynch J (1996) Stimulation of root hair elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana by low phosphorus availability. Plant, Cell, and Environment. 19, 547-554.