2024 CLEREL Pruning Workshop Follow-up
Many thanks to all of the attendees of the 2024 CLEREL Pruning Workshop on 11/19/2024. Also known as “Whack, Hack, and Don’t Look Back", “Cut Some and Leave Some,” or “You Can’t Kill a Grapevine with a Pair of Shears.” There was some good discussion on vine size, the quantity and quality of retained nodes, and crop load balance through pruning practices. Since there were so many good questions, I put together a list of presentations and articles for further reading, and you can always send me an email (trb7@cornell.edu) with questions.
Ted Taft of CLEREL demonstrating the principles of grapevine pruning.
Presentation Slides from the Workshop
Articles on Concord Crop Load Balance: Ravaz Index, Y:PW, and the magic number 15
Viticulture articles on pruning level, juice quality, and bud fruitfulness
Articles on Mechanical Pruning and other Mechanical Crop Control Methods
Precision Viticulture